Are you a hotel group looking to purchase a hotel app to transform your guest experience? Here are 5 of the top mistakes you need to avoid when choosing a hotel app for your hotel group.
2. Purchasing An App Project From An Inexperienced Developer
When designing the perfect hotel app it is crucial for the developer to not only be proficient in developing apps, but also knowledgeable about hotels, their experiences and all of the related integrations.
Many hotel groups make the common mistake of beginning an app project from an app developer who has no experience in making hotel apps. This almost always leads to the development of an inefficient app that overlooks key integration and functionality elements.
2. Developing An App Without Proper Integrations
What makes a hotel app so beneficial to the overall hotel experience is the integrations and features that it provides. Without key integrations like mobile check in, mobile key, GRMS, F&B, check out and much more, the hotel app will be useless.