Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about InnSpire‘s comprehensive hotel solution? Find the answers to some frequently asked questions below. Please feel free to get in touch with us with any other questions that you might have, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
1. What type of TV do we need in the hotel to use InnSpire?
A: Any flat-screen TV will work. We will connect to your TV’s HDMI-port. It is much better if the TV is a hospitality-TV, but not an absolute requirement.
2. What requirements are there in the room to run InnSpire?
A: In short, you need an Ethernet connection, a flat-screen TV, and a power-socket for the InnSpire Enabler Box.
3. How much bandwidth does InnSpire take?
A: It is not as much as one may think actually. Think of it as guests adding another iPad to their list of used devices. It also depends on how many of our features your hotel chooses, and how data-hungry those are. Streaming services, such as Netflix, HBO, Youtube etc, will of course require more data. On average, we see that a normal-sized hotel (300 rooms) use about 11MB per box and 24-hour cycle.
4. Will I need to up my Internet to run InnSpire?
A: In most cases no. The demands really aren’t that high. We see that on average, InnSpire increases the peak usage by 10-15%. So if you have a 20MB line in, and you used to peak at 15MB – then your new peak would be at around 16,5-17,25MB. So still well within your range.
5. Which TV-brands do you recommend?
A: We don’t recommend any TV-brand in particular, but have worked successfully with most major brands, such as Samsung, B&O, LG, Philips and Sony.
6. How long does an installation typically take?
A: The installation onsite is actually very quick. If you choose to have the InnSpire Enabler boxes behind the TV-set itself, we have a special little ”InnSpire T-bracket” for that, which fits perfectly on the box itself, and on the VESA-standard of the TV. For a typical installation, we calculate 15-30 minutes per room, unless there is much cabling to do. Before we come onsite, everything should be be prepared so that we can connect to your PMS-system, POS-system, ticketing, system, TV-channels, Internet, etc.
7. Can you really stream any content from a mobile device to the TV in the room?
A: Yes, more or less. We support most of the major standards such as iOS®, DLNA® and Miracast®. Our solution is password protected so a guest can’t play content on the wrong TV. What we currently are not able to stream is some DRM-protected content such as iTunes® movies and Netflix®.
8. Is the air-mouse easy to use?
A: Yes, it is very easy to use. It’s like your kids’ Wii-remote. You just point and click, and there is one big green button in the middle to do what you want. And at the back, there is a qwerty keyboard.
9. What if the guest wants to type something?
A: At the back of the air-mouse remote control, there is a qwerty keyboard which is activated only when the remote is flipped over, and de-activated again when the remote is flipped back.
10. Which TV-formats do you support?
A: At each installation we have to take into consideration how the TV-signal is received. The InnSpire Enabler Box is also a set top box, and supports IPTV, cable-TV and satellite-TV. So we set this up accordingly.
11. Do you have Video on Demand (VOD)?
A: Yes we do have VOD, but frankly less and less hotels want it today. But if it is a requirement, we work with a fantastic partner to deliver great VOD. They do put a video-server onsite, to reduce internet traffic.