4 Hotel Industry Digital Transformation Keys

Innspire SEO Blog

4 Hotel Industry Digital Transformation Keys

Digital transformation is an essential part of all business areas, including the hospitality industry. By integrating digital technology into the hotel industry, hotel owners have the opportunity to change business operations and increase value delivery to their customers.

Hotel guests expect to take advantage of digital technologies that improve their comfort, control, and experience. While transferring from old business processes to more modern ways and going through lots of trial and error might sometimes be frustrating, developing a digital transformation strategy is necessary to meet customer expectations and increase profitability. 

This blog post will discuss the four keys to hotel digital transformation to make the process easier and smoother. read more

Innspire SEO4 Hotel Industry Digital Transformation Keys

Impact of Digital Transformation on the Hotel Industry

Innspire SEO Blog

Impact of Digital Transformation on the Hotel Industry

Digital transformation has been trending in the past decade, yet not many people comprehend what it encompasses. For such a transformation in the hospitality and travel industry, it’s not enough to employ hotel management software or virtual hotel tools. While they are certainly beneficial, they are referred to as digitization. 

The impact of digital transformation on the hospitality business is tremendous. This blog post explains what digital transformation is, gives some examples of successful stories, and how to create a strategy and bring it to your hotel.

What is Digital Transformation?

Definition of digital transformation

Digital transformation begins and ends with customer relations and engagement. While digitization refers to replacing analog data with digital formats, digital transformation refers to rethinking how the organization uses human resources, processes and technology to achieve new business goals. Most of the time, this also involves introducing the end customer to more active consumer approaches. read more

Innspire SEOImpact of Digital Transformation on the Hotel Industry

Top 5 mistakes seen when hotels look for IPTV solution

Innspire SEO Blog

IPTV has become crucially important to the overall guest experience in modern hotels, providing your guests with the entertainment they are looking for to compliment their stay. 

This is why it is important to get the perfect IPTV solution for your hotel. In this article we will be looking at the top 5 mistakes hotels make when looking for an IPTV solution.

1. Short Term Thinking

Many hotel groups turn to implementing short term solutions to fix temporary problems. This is not the correct way to approach a hotel IPTV solution. 

To enhance the guest experience it is crucial for the IPTV solution to integrate seamlessly with your hotel. A simple welcome menu is not enough, you need to wow your guests with a truly innovative and seamless IPTV offering. read more

Innspire SEOTop 5 mistakes seen when hotels look for IPTV solution

Top 5 mistakes hotel groups do when looking to purchase a Hotel App

Innspire SEO Blog

Are you a hotel group looking to purchase a hotel app to transform your guest experience? Here are 5 of the top mistakes you need to avoid when choosing a hotel app for your hotel group.

2. Purchasing An App Project From An Inexperienced Developer

When designing the perfect hotel app it is crucial for the developer to not only be proficient in developing apps, but also knowledgeable about hotels, their experiences and all of the related integrations. 

Many hotel groups make the common mistake of beginning an app project from an app developer who has no experience in making hotel apps. This almost always leads to the development of an inefficient app that overlooks key integration and functionality elements.

2. Developing An App Without Proper Integrations

What makes a hotel app so beneficial to the overall hotel experience is the integrations and features that it provides. Without key integrations like mobile check in, mobile key, GRMS, F&B, check out and much more, the hotel app will be useless.  read more

Innspire SEOTop 5 mistakes hotel groups do when looking to purchase a Hotel App

Start With The Platform

Innspire SEO Blog

With the hotel industry as competitive as ever, many hotel groups are turning to technology to increase the value of their complete guest experience. The most common forms of integrations are IPTV systems and hotel apps. 

However, in doing so many hotel executives make the mistake of rushing to solve the “it” rather than spending time on the questions of “why” and “how”. This mistake can leave hotel groups with a hotel app or IPTV that doesn’t quite fit their needs or integrate with their existing guest experience. 

In this blog article, the Innspire team will be taking a look at why you should start with the platform rather than jumping in quickly on an IPTV provider or an app developer. read more

Innspire SEOStart With The Platform